Events And People 2018

This being year two of tRump, we of course had demonstrations. This first one was about guns. These were held nationwide. I went to a small gathering in Chelmsford, not far from home.

Local clergy organized a “Jericho Walk” to protest abusive immigration policies. Protesters walked around the Federal ICE office in Burlington MA.

We had a visit from Laura G. and her boyfriend. Ron and I rode our bikes downtown and back.

An annual retreat of our UU congregation at Ferry Beach, Maine. Too cold to swim but the company and the music were fine.

“Spring Swamp”. The Falcoln Ridge site crew, at Mani’s place. Music, campfire, great people, great food.

What’s becoming an annual thing — a bike ride along the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP.) Last couple of years — and if things go according to plan — it starts in Pittsburgh and ends in Washington DC. This year, due to the trail being washed out, we rode as far as Meyersdale PA, then turned around and rode back to Pittsburgh.

Well, then there’s Falcoln Ridge. I worked on site crew again but didn’t stay for the show cuz’ Merry was a bit under the weather.

Just a month or two later, that same rowdy crowd convenes again at Mani’s place for “Fall Swamp.” This year we were treated to a performance by The Hippies and Hillbillies. (Jefferson Berry’s band.)

Winter Solstice celebration, hosted by John and Judy (friends of Merry’s sister.) Music is what brings most of these people together.

Hikes 2018

Odds and Ends 2018